Media and Peace building between India and Pakistan: The Case of Kartarpur Corridor
Media has remained a powerful tool in modern times that shapes perceptions and builds narratives on each side of the border. In the same context, there are certain narratives that news media has built about India and Pakistan. Both countries share a historically strenuous relationship that has affected peace and security problems for the last seventy-five years. The inter-state issues are all broadcasted through news media. Living in the digital age, media narratives create awareness among the masses regarding national interests. Many researchers consistently have found that at the cost of national interests' media becomes an active agent of wars. Still, on the other hand, media can play a vital role at different levels in mitigating conflict and promoting peace. In this context, this article revisits the literature on how print and electronic media played a pivotal role in promoting peace between the two countries. It has analyzed the role of the print media in peace building by taking into account the establishment of the Kartarpur Corridor in 2019. The article has been contextualized within the theoretical framework of Johan Galtung's "Peace Journalism Framework." The exploratory qualitative research design would be used. Qualitative Content Analysis is the method of data collection. Content analysis of chosen newspapers from Pakistan (Dawn) and India (The Hindu) is part of the study's data set. The focus is on analyzing Kartarpur Corridor-related news, editorials/editorial notes, and opinion articles.