Review & Publication Policy
Peer Review Policy:
All research articles published in the journal of Mass Communication go through an initial
editor screening followed by a rigorous double-blind peer review by two-three anonymous
referees. The reviewers or referees belong to different National and International Universities
and organizations. The reviewers as well as authors have no relation as well as contact with
each other in any way.
External/Independent Peer Review Process:
The Editorial Board of the Journal is responsible for the Independent Peer Review Process
and also determines the selection of the reviewers in the committee meetings.
Reviewers are selected on the basis of their skills and expertise in the relevant field. Also all
the reviewers belong to different Academic and Professional Institutions and Universities
around the world.
1. When an article is received, the Editor/ Associate Editors screen it for further Independent
Review Process.
2. Upon acceptance, the article is sent anonymously to the Peer Reviewers (two or three) for
3. The Review takes 30-45 days for review from the date of receipt or at the next regularly
scheduled committee meeting.
4. After the positive results from reviewers, the authors are advised to either make
changes/amendments according to the comments from the reviewers.
5. After the changes are made by the authors, the article is verified and sent for publication.
The Peer Review is double blind review which means that both the author and reviewer have
no relation with each other.Also the reviewer have no relation with the institution where the
Research Journal in based.
Article Processing Charges (APC)
The Journal charges no fee for article submission or publication