Online upsurge of women victims: Exploring the barriers to reporting and awareness of PECA 2016
This study investigates women online victims, and aims to understand the reasons women avoid reporting to authorities. According to Federal Investigation Agency and National Response Centre for Cyber Crime, Pakistan, there has been a rise in cybercrime reporting during the year 2020. Due to Covid-19, the educational activities were shifted online throughout 2020, increasing the on-screen duration for every student. The excess use of internet during lockdown had a collateral damage in terms of increased cybercrimes. This paper will focus female victims of cyber-bullying and online harassment, in the light of the laws that empower women. Also brings to attention the cultural and psychological reasons for not reporting such crimes. With the increase in internet usage the cyber-bullying and harassment has also increased and most of the victims are women. The cultural barriers that prevent women to report cybercrimes is reflected in the theory of the spiral of silence. The paper addresses the need to identify the problem and introduce intervention for a positive social change and adapt to the new normal.