ابلاغی اضطراب: روایتی ذرائع ابلاغ کے زوال کی اصل وجہ
Media, Media Malaise, Newspaper, Television, Political coverage, Pakistani mediaAbstract
In the present era, regular media is in decline. Newspaper circulation is declining, and the popularity of electronic media is also declining. Although this trend is global, there are other factors under discussion in Pakistan. Among them, the government's intentions regarding freedom of the press are particularly under discussion. Another issue in this regard is the shrinking finances of the media. The government is also blamed for this. These issues are important for the life of the media but modern research says something else in this regard. According to modern research, if certain habits are ingrained in the media, then as a result such media outlets lose their credibility. Such as pushing the basic national issues of society into the background and highlighting unrealistic issues. Making the internal politics of a political party a topic of discussion without giving importance to any political movement or election manifesto of any party or discussing the position and form of a person or his family on the position of a politician or an institution. In the context of Pakistan, it is necessary to know through content analysis whether there is this style of reporting and commentary exists here. If so, a new point will be made to understand the reasons for the growing unpopularity of the Pakistani media.