Study of Depiction of Muslims in post 9/11 Contemporary Visual Art of Pakistan
The world today has become insensitive towards the works of art. All kinds of artistic works such as paintings, sculptures, architecture etc. are influenced by the socio-political environment around them. Artists are known to portray whatever they feel in their art work. Throughout the historic period and even in the pre-historic period, art has served as the mirror of the contemporary life of the period it was created in. Thus, it serves as an important source of history as well. The event of 9/11 affected the whole world directly or indirectly. Due to this event Islamophobia mushroomed in most of USA and other parts of the world. Artists across the world portrayed this event and its aftermaths in their perspectives. Pakistan was no exception to this influence. Artists in Pakistan represented their thoughts and feelings through their respective art forms. These papers focus upon various such artists and highlight their work.