Media Multitasking: An Exploratory Study on Students’ Multiple Media Uses and Behaviours in Karachi


  • Sabir Ahmed
  • Asmat Ara
  • Sanam Tajjamul



The main objective of this research is to discover the media multitasking and multiple media use practices among youth of Karachi. The development and new patterns of usage of mass media technology have born a digital media generation who use multiple devices efficiently when performing two or more tasks. Moreover, these differences proved significant statistically. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of the degree of multipurpose media usage among youth. Researchers used multistage cluster sampling with 556 students from 18 different educational institutes and conducted a survey in Karachi. Findings showed that respondents who are mostly involved in media multitasking more likely to used smart phones followed by multiple devices and non-multitaskers used computers for using internet. This study also reveals the effects of gender, income and ethnicity on the multitasking behaviors of youth.




How to Cite

Ahmed, S., Ara, A., & Tajjamul, S. (2019). Media Multitasking: An Exploratory Study on Students’ Multiple Media Uses and Behaviours in Karachi. Journal of Mass Communication Department, Dept of Mass Communication, University of Karachi, 15.