Comparative Study: An analysis of WhatsApp application and SMS by students & Professionals of Karachi


  • Sana Shahid
  • Nisar Ahmed Zubairi



WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging applications around globe. The study is conducted to analyze the effectiveness of WhatsApp and SMS in metropolitan city Karachi. Quantitative research method is used in this regard. A questionnaire was constructed with 10 close ended questions. Data was gathered from 250 students and 250 professionals of Karachi. An interview was also conducted from few professionals and students to gather additional data.  It is concluded from the study that both students and professionals use WhatsApp to achieve their academic and business goals. Though people still use traditional SMS to communicate with their fellow beings but WhatsApp provide them more options and features in affordable rates. Therefore it is indispensible to revolutionize and adopt the latest technology in order to dilute the emerging challenges in Pakistan.




How to Cite

Shahid, S., & Ahmed Zubairi, N. (2019). Comparative Study: An analysis of WhatsApp application and SMS by students & Professionals of Karachi. Journal of Mass Communication Department, Dept of Mass Communication, University of Karachi, 14.