Journalists' Perceptions of Peace in Sectarianism -Affected Areas of Pakistan




This research study is designed to understand the perception of the Journalists regarding creating peace in Sectarianism-affected Areas of Pakistan and what are the major factors that can influence the decision of the Public regarding Peace building and social cohesion in the community. This study uses a qualitative research design to analyse the research question. The scholar used in-depth interviews with journalists in the district Kurram (Mostly Sectarianism-affected Areas of Pakistan). A total of fifteen journalists were employed working for media (print, broadcast and online), primarily reporting the sectarian events along with other beats. The participants of the study were selected by purposive and snowball sampling techniques. Thematic Analysis was used to analyse the data, i.e., interviews with journalists. The data was examined through the lens of Kurt Lewin's conflict resolution theory, which provides valuable insights into understanding and addressing conflicts, including those related to sectarian violence. The findings show that journalists, media, religious and tribal leaders, government and youth have a key role in Peace building and social cohesion in society and it is also further added Education, training, seminars, workshops and the use of social media are also important for the peace process.




How to Cite

Dr. Rahman Ullah. (2024). Journalists’ Perceptions of Peace in Sectarianism -Affected Areas of Pakistan. Journal of Mass Communication Department, Dept of Mass Communication, University of Karachi, 30(01).