Effect of Social Media Influencer on Consumer Purchase Intention: A PLS-SEM Study on Branded Luxury Fashion Clothing


  • Irfan Ul Haque, Sherbaz Khan, Muhammad Shahzad Mubarik




By analyzing the purchasing decisions of consumers who have been influenced by social media influencers, marketers have long been concerned with determining the impact of social media influencers on their target audience. A shopper's shopping conduct is the act of making a purchase. In 2001, American researchers began to consider investigating Internet conversations of consumers. The development of questionnaire facilitates data collection for this investigation. In the initial section of the survey, participants were requested to provide demographic information, including their ages, gender, educational backgrounds, income levels, and occupations. Part 2 was a study of the beliefs and behaviors of consumers regarding the influence of celebrities, bloggers/vloggers, micro-influencers, and social networks on their purchasing decisions.  The study analyzed the model's fit to the data and its component relationships. The test results obtained through the utilization of the algorithm and bootstrapping. The overview encompasses key elements like p-values, T-values, -values, and evaluations of hypothesis validity. There is no evidence to suggest that celebrity prominence in Pakistan influences consumer behavior. The Pakistani public's aversion or skepticism regarding the veracity of online content must also influence consumers' propensity to spend. Future research may investigate the potential repercussions of using digital social media for marketing purposes to an excessive degree.




How to Cite

Irfan Ul Haque, Sherbaz Khan, Muhammad Shahzad Mubarik. (2023). Effect of Social Media Influencer on Consumer Purchase Intention: A PLS-SEM Study on Branded Luxury Fashion Clothing. Journal of Mass Communication Department, Dept of Mass Communication, University of Karachi, 28(1). https://doi.org/10.46568/jmcd.v28i1.303