Critical Study of Emergence and Consolidation of the Islamic State and the Dabiq


  • Syeda Fizza Abid
  • Muhammad Moiz Khan



The rise of the Islamic State in 2014 came as a surprise to most of the world. Through announcing the Caliphate, the Islamic State showed itself as the leader of the global jihadist movement. Though their rise seems rapid but they have a history and propaganda mechanism that need to be understood in order to understand them and their ideology. The Islamic State is seen as one the most brutal jihadi organizations that thrives on the sectarian conflict in the region and uses force to control people. However, the group has been able to gather attention of the people and has been able to recruit people not just from the Middle East but from around the world. They have used theological justifications for their brutal actions. To curb the group is a challenge that the global community faces. This paper discusses the origin of the group to understand its standing today and propaganda. It then looks at their ideological root that is which strand of Islam it follows and how it interprets religion. In the end it looks in to the response that the Islamic State received from within its domain and the world and how the group can be defeated. 




How to Cite

Abid, S. F., & Khan, M. M. (2019). Critical Study of Emergence and Consolidation of the Islamic State and the Dabiq. Journal of Mass Communication Department, Dept of Mass Communication, University of Karachi, 12.