Publishing of Urdu books in Pakistan: An analytical study from 1947 to 2007
Publishing of books is a highly important function in any society because without publishing, there can be little dissemination and diffusion of knowledge. It is a part of a system of knowledge disseminations. The social structure, educational system, language problems and in general, the economies and political realities of the country constitute the context of any consideration of the publishing enterprise. This study represents a general perspective about publishing and especially in Urdu in Pakistan. After this study it is revealed that an average of 1312 (one thousand three hundred twelve) books were published annually during the period of sixty years from 1947 to 2007 in which598 books were published in Urdu language per annum. Most of the books were consist on Literature, Islam, History and Social Sciences. The books published in Science, Health Sciences, Engineering and Technology are below the level of research. While the Humanities including philosophy, psychology and arts is almost ignored area in publishing. Total publishing comprises as 45.58%in Urdu, 26.04% in English and 28.40%in regional and other languages.